- To organize economically and socially vulnerable people especially women towards self-reliance and empowerment.
- To strengthen capacity of the community people in institution building & group savings, to take collective initiative to alleviate poverty of community people through income & employment generation.
- To establish gender equity in the society and ensure the empowerment of women.
- To drive away the illiteracy from the community through implementing education programs for the adult, adolescent and children.
- To provide community and clinic based reproductive health care, child health care and nutrition services as well as raises awareness on primary health care, nutrition, sanitation and safe drinking water. To manage and prevent/control of STIs, RTIs, HIV/AIDs and communicable diseases.
- To provide comprehensive eye care services and community based rehabilitation with a sustainable basis.
- To promote ecologically sound and sustainable agriculture, social-forestation, fisheries and livestock.
- Establishment of own resources to increase income for the sustainability of the organization.
- To organize and development network under the leading of VARD by uniting the local NGOs/CBOs those work at grass-root level in the development aspect in view of organizational capacity building as well as maximum utilization of available local resources.
© Valuntary Association for Rural Development (VARD), 2013
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