The people of VARD have agreed on a set of values as guiding principles to establish a favorable internal environment and thus contribute to the defined mission.
- The staff member will practice mutual respect at work place
- VARD will evaluate its employees based on their performance
- Free sharing of experiences, view and information will create a sound basis for organization decisions
- Participatory practices and mutual cooperation will govern interpersonal behaviour
- Organizational rules and regulations will apply equally for all
- VARD will encourage self-initiative and sense of responsibility
- Self-criticism and honesty will be the cornerstones of staff behaviour
- Employees will use resources economically and prudently towards making a sustainable institution
- The staff member will consider the organizational issues a strictly internal. They will remain conscious of gender sensitive behaviour both at work place and out side.
- Beneficiary orientation (peoples demand, local resource mobilization, cooperation with stakeholders) will always apply in program planning, implementation and evaluation